These are simple blog posts by me, Michael Hunger @mesirii about all things Neo4j
Here is a list of the AsciiDoc source files.
You find the posts on
Queries covered by the Cypher Compiled Runtime in Neo4j 3.2
Finding Awesome Women Tweeting about GraphQL using Gender-API
onnx2graph - Store and Visualize Machine Learning Models
Better Data Import with GraphQL: Introducing graphql load
Importing Mapping Metaphor into Neo4j
The Meme Graph
Fullstack JavaScript - Neo4j Script Procedures
User Defined Functions in Neo4j 3.1.0-M10
Charting Neo4j 3.0
5 Tips & Tricks for Fast Batched Updates of Graph Structures with Neo4j and Cypher
Property Lookup Performance, and what we can do about it
Quick Node by Label Counts in Neo4j 2.x and 3.x
Export and Import Procedures in APOC
GraphQL inspired Map Projecitons and Pattern Comprehensions
Fast Node by Label Counts in Neo4j
Teaching Skills inspired by "Badass", Kathy Sierra
Neo4j 3.0 Stored Procedures
Quick Neo4j Export - Import Roundtrip via CSV (WIP)
LOAD JSON with Cypher
Import Relational Database directly into Neo4j
Simplest LOAD CSV Import Example
Load CSV with Success
Flexible Neo4j Batch Import with Groovy
LOAD CSV into Neo4j quickly and successfully
Importing Git History into Neo4j
Importing Forests into Neo4j
The Story of GraphGen
Quickly create a 100k Neo4j graph data model with Cypher only
Sampling A Neo4j Database
Full Text & Range Search with Schema Indexes and Spatial Functions in Neo4j 3.0 (WIP)
Finding Security Vulnerabilities with Cypher and Neo4j (WIP)
Natural Language Analytics made simple and visual with Neo4j
Cleaning Out Your Graph
Neo4j Store Copy & Cleanup Tool
On Neo4j Indexes, MATCH and MERGE
Using XRebel 2 with Neo4j
Styling Neo4j Server Visualisation
Neo4j Server Extension to serve small Web-UI
Rendering a Neo4j Database in UbiGraph
Spring Data Neo4j 3.3.0 - Improving Remoting Performance
Spring Data Neo4j 3.0 - Configuration Changes