JEXP                       JEXP

Books & Publications

Pragmatic Graph Algorithms for Neo4j and Apache Spark, Hodler, Needham, O'Reilly, 2019

Initiated, Contributed & Reviewed all content.

Graph Databases 1st and 2nd Ed, Robinson, Webber, Eifrem,O'Reilly, 2014, 2016

Reviewed, all content, contributed sections, updated book for 2nd edition.

Neo4j 2.0 Eine GraphDatenbank für Alle -

Spring Data - A Guide to Modern Enterprise Data Management, O’Reilly

Spring Roo - Chapter Neo4j - Josh Long, O’Reilly

97 Things Every Programmer should know - Kevlin Henney, O’Reilly

Thesis: "Metadata"

My Diploma (Master) Thesis on building enterprise applications based on metadata-mappings.

Thesis: "Refactoring the Benefits and Disadvantages of an amazing Technique"

Shortly after Martin released the first edition, I wrote my thesis about it, explaining the technique, evaluating tools and applying it onto a larger project. If you're interested, you can read the PDF here.


I reviewed also quite a number of books. I spend way too much time per book and give quite thorough and blunt feedback. You usually find my name in the acknowledgements.

Refactoring, 2nd Edition, Martin Fowler, Pearsons

Software Design X-Rays, Adam Tornhill, Pragmatic Programmers

Release It, 2nd Edition, Michael Nygard, Pragmatic Programmers

Beyond Legacy Code, David Scott Bernstein, Pragmatic Programmers

Beautiful Code, Pragmatic Programmers

Clojure, Stuart Halloway, Pragmatic Programmers

Git, Pragmatic Programmers

Implementation Patterns - Kent Beck, Pearsons

NOSQL - Distilled - Martin Fowler, Pearsons

DSL - Martin Fowler, Pearsons

Apprenticeship Patterns, Ade Oshineye, Dave Hoover, O'Reilly

Last updated 2016-12-04 02:41:20 CET
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